Kids books about Creativity

I am often surprised at the creative solutions my children come up with to solve a problem. There is no end to the options we have in creatively navigating through our lives. I want to teach my kids that they can think up things that no one has ever thought before. They can bring new ideas to the world and make the world a better place through their passion and gifts.

Making a beach…out of masking tape…. dressed as a homeschooler.

This week we read stories that feature creative characters who come up with creative solutions to problems. Of course, these books are not just about creativity. They are excellent stories that feature complex characters – but one virtue that I see in them is creativity.

If you missed why I am taking on this task of going through a different virtue each week, check out my post Kids Books About Assertiveness.


No one has ever lived who is exactly like you, with all your talents, interests, gifts, and experiences. Creativity is when you take what makes you unique and use them to make new things for the world. When you are creative you use your special gifts and abilities to make the world a better and more interesting place to be. When you are creative, you can see ways to do things in new ways. You can express these ideas in many ways like art, music, inventions, dance and more.

Creativity “is a way to let the light of originality within you shine out for the benefit of others”.

Linda Popov Kavelin, the Family Virtues Guide, p.97
I am influenced by the work of Linda Kavelin Popov in her book The Family Virtues Guide .

Children’s Books About Creativity

Living books that include creative characters and solutions.

Roxaboxen by Alice McLerran

Roxaboxen is one of my all-time favourite children’s books. I just love the way the children create this beautiful imaginative world out of rocks and scrub brush in the desert. It is proof that we can live richly creative inner lives no matter our surroundings. There is a real Roxaboxen Park in Yuma, Arizona and it is on my bucket list to bring my kids to play here. I love it when life imitates art!

The Wonderful Pigs of Jillian Jiggs by Phoebe Gilman

This is another one of my all-time favourite children’s books. I had this one as a child, and as a little girl who loved to craft and create, and who also loved naming things – I was obsessed with this book. I so badly wanted to make my own army of pantyhose pigs. I love how Jillian Jiggs not only makes these pigs but then comes up with a creative solution to her problem of not actually wanting to sell her pigs for a profit. She is an entrepreneurial whiz!

Jabari Tries by Gaia Cornwall

My son gets frustrated easily so I do read him a lot of books that shows characters not giving up when things aren’t working. We will have an entire week on the virtue of determination and several other books in that category. This one is about determination, yes – but it is also about creatively coming up with alternatives and problem solving. This is a great book. I also like how it tells a story with a realistic sibling dynamic.

Andrew Henry’s Meadow by Doris Burn

I found this one at an antique store and I’m so pleased I did and that Amazon still has copies of it in print! This is a great story with captivating illustrations about an inventor who makes special spaces for all his friends to pursue their creative passions.

Crickwing by Jannell Cannon

This book used to scare my son when he was younger, but as he’s gotten older we have learned to appreciate Crickwing’s creativity in figuring out how to appease the grasshoppers. Like any great story, this story is not just about one virtue – it is filled with many different topics to discuss – bullying, forgiveness, kindness. I put it in the creativity week but we definitely talked about other things afterwards.

I hope you enjoy reading these stories as much as I have! I’d love to hear about which conversation topics came up with your kids after reading them. Maybe consider commenting below? Or, if you have a favourite book that you think espouses the virtue of creativity, comment below!


ps: This post contains Amazon affiliate links. I get a very small commission if you click my referral links and these contributions help fund my ever-growing library! Thank you so much for considering my referral links.

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Author: rinkydinkmum

I am a new mom and Canadian expat living in Silicon Valley with my 6 month old son and my 36 year old husband. I've declared 2017 the year for learning and for adventure and for making my home just a little bit more whimsical.

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